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Buckeye Lake 4th of July Boat Parade

Thursday, July 4, 2024
11:00 am
- 2:00 pm

Come celebrate your Independence Day the best way we know how at Buckeye Lake… on your boat! Start from Liebs Island and make your way down the lake to the Waterfront for final judging.

Participants will need to register this year to receive an event number to identify their boat! Contact Marnita Swickard at 614-419-0478 or marnita@buckeyelake.com to get registered. The theme for the parade this year is Patriotic Birthday Celebration! Get creative with red, white, and blue decorations, patriotic bunting, birthday streamers, and even birthday hats for everyone on board!
There will be 3 prizes this year for people who participate.


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